
Showing posts with the label Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing Made Simple: A Step-by-Step Guide

  Digital marketing.  Just another one of those new, fancy buzzwords you should use to sound smart in meetings or is it the real deal ? Maybe a better question is: what is digital marketing? This digital marketing guide will show you what’s what. First popularized as a term in the early 2000’s, digital marketing has actually been around much longer. Like, WAY longer.  About 100 years longer, to be exact. Here’s a pic of the first digital marketer in history: (Image source:  Wikipedia ) His name: Guglielmo Marconi. What? Marconi? Yup. In 1896 he was the first human to demonstrate a, “public transmission of wireless signals.” This dude invented the radio. Shortly after his little demonstration in England, morse signals were transmitted across open water. And, while it would take another 10 years for the radio to reach the general public, it sure didn’t take the creators long to realize they could use it to sell stuff. The first live broadcast was from an  opera performance at the Met  an